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Outdoor Figure Painting
in Landscape / Plein-Air Workshop
Developing the Outdoor Figurative Composition
with Andy Sjodin

This workshop will be a process and preliminary work focused class that will take place over the course of two weekends. The objective of the workshop will be the creation of preliminary work needed to execute a finished outdoor composition involving a clothed figure. Two Saturday afternoons will be spent out “in the field” working from a live model to create sketches, develop color studies, and gather reference images (photographs). Two Sunday afternoons will be spent working in-studio from the created reference materials to develop a well thought out, smaller scale, full-color composition. The goal by the end of the workshop will be for students to have on-hand the necessary preliminary work and knowledge to create a finished outdoor figurative composition back in their own studios.
Andy will contact the students closer to the time of the workshop to briefly go over the supply list and location for the outdoor portion of the workshop.
Dates: Saturday–Sunday, May 24–25 and Saturday–Sunday, May 31 – June 1
Length: 4 days
Time: 1:00pm–5:00pm